
Custom Solutions To Grow Your Detailing, Custom Car Care,
Auto Repair Or Shop!

Custom Solutions To Grow Your Detailing, Custom Car Care, Auto Repair Or Shop!

The automotive industry as a whole is a massive industry. Which also means there is a lot of competition and options for your potential customers. Standing out is more important than ever… So how can you make sure your repair shop, detail company, auto sales company actually stands out?

Challenges Faced by The Automotive Industry:

High Competition

Poor Lead Quality

Lack Of Sales Systems

Basic Content

Our Solutions:

Creative Offers

Pre Qualification System

CRM Setup, Automations & Sales Assistants

Custom Branded Video Content

Case Studies

How We Do It?


What does YOUR business need most?


Quality content, CRM set up, sales tips.


Track & improve results.

Results You Can Expect:

Estimated Lead Cost
$10 0
Estimated Conversion Rate
15 0 %
Estimated ROA

Why Choose Bright Mind Media for Automotive Business?

Over $3.4M In Ad Spend

High Quality Video Content

Proven Lead Generation

Sales Tracking and Assistants

Grow Your Auto Business

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